The New York Times attempts to show itself to be self-critical in its reporting of the current aggression on Gaza, unsurprisingly the article descends into a slimy self-regarding exculpation of all inaccuracies and alleged biases. By showing e-mails from opposing sides of the argument it points to the likelihood that they're doing something right, then it reports,
"But in the case of the complex, intractable struggle between Israel and the Palestinians, even the best, most evenhanded reporting will not satisfy those passionately on one side or the other."
Why is it such a mystical struggle? The solution has been on the table for over 30 years, and is agreed upon by virtually the entire security council bar the US and Israel. Its instructive the only people who wish to mystify the conflict are precisely the ones who oppose a peaceful settlement on the basis of the overwhelming international consensus. For this reason there can't be a liberal utopian compromise between the two sides, the colonialist never concedes something for nothing, whatever is achieved through political or armed struggle is only a result of the colonialists realisation that the concession is in its own interest to make.
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